Lakeside Bible Camp has been established for the purpose and proclamation of the following truths. We ask those who join with us in our mission of reaching the lost and building up the saved to agree to work under our Statement of Faith while ministering at Lakeside Bible Camp.

  1. The triune God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. Each individual is a direct special creation, distinct from all other creatures and not by the process of evolution;

  2. The preaching of the Gospel of the Grace of God;

  3. That salvation is received by grace through faith alone in our Lord Jesus Christ;

  4. That each member of the human race is fallen, sinful, and lost;

  5. That every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ possesses eternal life, and is safe and secure for eternity;

  6. The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, including:

    • His virgin birth;

    • His atoning work on the cross of Calvary;

    • His substitutionary death for guilty sinners;

    • That salvation, redemption, and remission of sins are only by and through His blood;

    • The validity of His miracles;

    • His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of Almighty God;

    • His premillennial return for His Church and His millennial reign on earth as promised by the prophets;

  7. To uphold the truth of the one body of all true Christians indwelt by the Holy Spirit as the Church of Scripture, of which Christ is the risen Head;

  8. To maintain the truth of the priesthood of all true believers in Jesus Christ;

  9. To endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, to promote Christian love and Christian fellowship with all the living members of Christ’s Body;

  10. To uphold the inspiration, truth and inerrancy of the Bible as the complete Word of God to man, that in every word is without error in the original documents; the ultimate source of authority for faith and conduct;

  11. To stand for a real Heaven and a real Hell;

  12. The resurrection of the just and the unjust;

  13. To teach the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism;

  14. That sexual intimacy within marriage is God's creation; that marriage is the union of one man and one woman only in a life-long marriage covenant, reflecting the love-relationship that Christ has with His Bride, the Church.