Prayer Warrior #1 - Girls Camp II

In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This is one of the patch verses for the Navigator Patch, which many campers will try to earn this week. It speaks to the specific path to find the gospel of Jesus Christ. If there were many ways to salvation, Jesus could have stayed in heaven— our purpose at LBC would cease to exist and we would become like all the other camps in the world. We are so grateful for the gift of life we have in Christ. It’s because of Him we get up every day to serve with the hope that God would use us for His Kingdom.

Girls Camp II (formerly Sr. Girls) is for campers who are 10-12 years old. This demographic is at a severe disadvantage against the false narratives presented by the World. Social media platforms wuld like to convince them to question their genders and have them seek a personal image that God didn’t design for them. Schools are a hotbed for the war against the truth of God’s Word. At LBC we preach a gospel that is different than the pleasure-seeking messages of the World. Please pray for the spiritual battle at hand this week.  Pray that our speaker, directors, and cabin leaders would be used to shine a light on whatever is true, right, pure, and lovely. Pray that these campers would fix their hearts and minds on the Author and Perfecter of their faith.

Some ways to Pray

  • Sometimes it takes a few days, but pray for cabin unity. Most of the cabins are doing well as of this morning.

  • Pray that our speaker Dianne Platter will impart her wisdom and joy to these girls. She is speaking with her daughter Annie Platter.

  • Pray for our director team of Reneé, Trina, and Devon; that God would give them energy, love, and compassion for these girls.

  • Pray for cabin leaders to stay healthy and safe. Pray for God to give them the right conversations on their 1 on 1 times with campers.

  • Pray for the new TCL. Pray that the Directors and Cabin Leaders would do an amazing job of discipling these teens to become Servants of their King.

  • Pray for the Summer Staff as they head out to do their jobs for the first time this week. Pray that they would love their work and that they would serve faithfully through the summer.

Ways to Get involved

  • Cooks

    • High School Camp - July 14-20

  • Nurses

    • High School Camp - July 13-20

    • Jr. HIgh Camp - Aug 4-10

  • Cabin Lead

    • High School Camp - July 13-20

    • Girls Camp I - July 20-27

    • Boys Camp II - July 27-Aug 3

    • Jr. High Camp - Aug 3-10

    • Jr. TC 1 - July 13-20

    • Jr. TCL 2 - July 20-27

    • TCL 2 (Guys) - July 27-Aug 17

Luke Dalrymple agreed to Cabin Lead the guys for TCL 1, having never served as a TCLer before. He has grown up at Christ Church in Federal Way and has served extensively in the youth group and with their Awana program. Though he has never seen the TCL program in action, he already speaks highly of the discipleship experience. His favorite times so far have been going through The Gospel Primer with the guys at night. They’ve been practicing talking about the Gospel and learning to share their testimonies with each other. He’s intentional about making sure they see how their testimonies must emphasize the message of the good news. We are praying that God will develop several effective evangelists from this TCL group through the work that Luke is doing with these young men.

TCL I - June 22-July 13