Summer Camp Parent Guide

Campers will daily participate in group games, devotionals, sing worship songs, hear messages in chapel, and participate in free-time activities (swimming, boating, archery, bb guns, biking, climbing wall, arts and crafts). With a mix of indoor and outdoor activities organized by our Camp Directors, there is always something happening at an LBC camp!

Lakeside Bible Camp is a gospel-centered ministry. Each week, the campers will hear messages about the good news of Jesus during chapel. Campers will get to know each other in groups and individually, and they each have at least one extended opportunity during the week to talk 1-on-1 with their Cabin Leader. LBC also boasts a unique patch program with campers earning patches for Scripture memorization. While our ministry is full of many fun activities, we exist so that all the participants of camp can experience this unique gospel ministry.

We are looking forward to a great summer at LBC. Thank you for entrusting your family to us! We hope that your investment in bringing your child to camp is one that continues to bless your family for years to come.

  • Click Here to Register.

    Lakeside uses a registration platform callled UltraCamp. Once you log in or set up your account, you can register your family members for our camps.

    Your registration account will be tied to the Primary Contact’s Email Address.

    If you know you have an account, but can’t get in, try resetting your password.

    ADD A NEW REGISTRATION and choose your participants. Fill in the paperwork now, or skip it for later. Pay your $50 youth camp deposit to hold your spot ($200 for family camps). Your balance is due two weeks before camp starts.

  • We are currently offering the following discounts: First Time Camper and Early Bird.

    The First Time Camper Discount is available to any youth camper who has never previously attended an LBC overnight camp without a parent. In the summer, this discount is $50 off of one youth Summer Camp registration and is not transferrable.

    When registering, request this discount if it applies to your camper.

    The FTC discount is only awarded once, for the first camp (either Weekend Retreat or Summer Camp) that a child attends without parents.

    The Early Bird Discount of $50 is available to any youth camper if their entire camp registration balance is paid in full by February 28.

    Requested discounts need to be approved before they will be applied to your balance. Please contact the Registrar ( if you have any questions.

  • If there is no availability at your camp session, you can register to a waitlist free of charge. During the online registration process, you will be notified that your camp session is full and can opt to sign up for the waitlist.

    When a spot opens up, potential campers will be contacted in the order of the time/date stamp on their registration application.

    You are welcome to contact LBC if you are curious about your position on a waitlist.

  • Each youth who registers for camp at LBC may make one cabin mate request as part of the registration process. Please fill out our Cabin Mate Request Form if you haven’t already. Generally, it is easy to honor these requests, and you will most likely get into the cabin with the person you request.

    Here is the order of priority when cabin assignments are made:

    1) Mutual Cabin Mate Request

    2) Single Cabin Mate Request

    3) Church Connection

    4) No Cabin Mate Request

    The best way to ensure you are in a cabin with your friend is to request them and have them request you!

    Final cabin assignments are made on the Wednesday before each camp session.


    Two Packing Tips: 1) Please do not pack anything that is irreplacable, and 2) label everything with the camper's name using a permanent marker.

    Please BRING:

    • Bible, notebook, and pen

    • Personal water bottle

    • Sleeping bag and pillow

    • Large, strong trash bag for dirty and wet clothes, labelled with camper's name

    • Clothing for 7 days and 6 nights, include a jacket or sweatshirt/sweater

    • Bath towel and toiletries (toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, etc.)

    • Beach towel and modest swimsuit (See Dress Code.)

    • Flashlight

    • Closed-toe shoes (like sneakers), at least one pair

    • Any necessary medication, labelled in original pharmacy/store- bought container

    • Sun protection (sunscreen, hat, sunglasses)

    Spirit Days:

    • Some LBC camps have special activities and dress-up days. Look for an email from the Director or Registrar about optional items a few weeks before camp. These will also be posted on LBC’s website on each camp session’s page.


    • Fireworks, lighters, or matches

    • Gum

    • Weapons of any kind (including Airsoft guns and knives)

    • Cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, vape, or non-prescription drugs

    • Prank materials of any kind

    • Hammocks

    • Cell phones or other personal electronic devices (Cabin leaders -age 17 and up- may keep their phones for emergency use.) Campers with phones/electronic devices will be asked to turn them in to the camp office for return upon check-out. Devices that are seen will be confiscated by the Cabin Leader or Director.


  • DROP-OFF: Your camper can check-in at 3:00pm on Sunday. There will be a line that forms on the stairway from the parking lot. Please wait in line prior to check-in. DO NOT walk around the grounds or come to the office. Once campers go through the check-in process, you will be able to help them move into their cabins to get settled, and also see a bit of camp before you depart.

    Please DO NOT bring your dog to camp for drop-off or pick-up. Due to insurance matters, we cannot allow you to bring your dog onto camp grounds, either free roaming, on a leash, or in your car. We appreciate your adhearance to this new policy!

    PICK-UP: Camps end at 11:30am on Saturday. Lunch will be provided at 11:30am. Parents are welcome to come for the final closing ceremony at 10:30am that includes patch awards, a slideshow, and possibly a few baptisms. Those picking up a camper are welcome to join us for lunch.

  • We have limited Late Arrival and Early Departure windows.

    A camper may not plan to arrive more than 24 hours after check-in (by 5pm Monday) or plan to depart 24 hours prior to check-out (not before Friday at 11:30am) . Any camper that necessitates a special arrival or departure within this window must make arrangements with the Registrar prior to the start of camp.

    Those requesting a late arrival or early departure time outside of these parameters must contact the Director of Camp Ministries, who will communicate permitted exceptions to the Registrar.

    Campers cannot be signed out of camp and return again for any reason! (This includes things such as baseball games, swim lessons, visits to Grandma, etc.) Once a camper is registered, the choice has been made to attend camp. Leaving will only be at the conclusion of that camp, unless being sent home by LBC due to illness or gross misbehavior. Any early departures must be pre-arranged.

  • During youth camps, ALL over-the-counter, prescription medications, and vitamins must be turned in to the First Aid Provider upon arrival. All medications must be in original containers.

    You may add medication schedules and details to your camper’s registration account forms, and speak with our First Aid Provider at check-in. The First Aid Provider will dispense medication to campers appropriately throughout the week.

    If you bring medication to camp, be sure that you pick it up from the First Aid Provider when you check out, as Washington State Law may prevent LBC from returning some medications home by mail.

  • Yes, you can send letters, but no packages. Only letters please!

    You can:

    1) Bring letters to camp during check-in and leave them here to be distributed to your camper during the week. Label with days if you wish.

    2) Mail letters to camp. Send mail via USPS to:

    Lakeside Bible Camp, Camper’s Name, PO Box 310, Clinton, WA 98236

    We recommend mailing any letters to your camper three days prior to the beginning of camp.

    All letters received by LBC will be distributed to campers during the time that they are at camp. We try to have a time for Mail Call daily, but it is possible that other activities may preempt that time. Letters received by USPS mail after the camper has departed LBC will be returned to sender.

  • You can add store money to your camper’s account in Ultracamp anytime.

    Here is a link: Store Money Deposit or you can log into the registration system and use t.e following instructions. From your account dashboard, click on the “pancake icon” in the upper left corner. Select CAMP STORE and then STORE DEPOSITS.

    Indicate the amount you would like to place into the camp store for the camper and follow the prompts on the screen.

    It is not recommended that campers bring cash for the store, as we will not be utilizing cash accounts. Campers who do bring cash will need to keep it and take care of it, at their own risk.

    Remaining camper store money, greater than $5, is refunded after camp, on request, using the Store Refund Request Form. We’ll have this link available at check-out and in the follow-up email from LBC the day after your camp session ends. This form must be completed to notify the LBC staff to refund the money to you. It usually takes 3-5 business days to process your request. Store money remains in the account holder's name through August 31, and can be applied for any camp session. Any store money not refunded after August 31st will be applied to LBC's general fund. There are no cash or check store money refunds available. We will only be refunding credit card charges.

  • Let us know if you've left something here ASAP. Fill out this Lost & Found Claim Form.

    We can't keep Lost & Found Items all summer because there are just too many! We collect anything left behind after each camp session, and we keep it on site for TWO WEEKS. After that, items are donated to a local thrift shop on Fridays.

    We will not mail Lost & Found items to you. If you want to arrange to pick up an item, we will be happy to set it aside for you! Any arranged items not picked up by September 1st will be donated to a local thrift shop.

  • Please check the General FAQ on the Main Parent Guide Page. If you still don’t find an answer to your question, you are welcome to send an email to or call us at 360-341-4170.