Prayer Warrior #2 - Girls Camp II.
Psalm 121 starts with a question where the journeying pilgrim asks where his help comes from. As he gazes up, he sees the mountains and ponders the difficult task ahead. He remembers that the Creator of the heavens and earth is even greater than the toughest terrain. Thus he finds encouragement that God will keep him from all harm and that his “life” is guarded well.
This week we have been trying to serve these campers so that they can learn about the eternal life that God provides through Jesus Christ. Our hope is that they would see clearly the God who loves them is greater than all that is around them. God sees them, knows them, and he watches out for them. So we also pray for these campers as they journey home tomorrow. They finish the week with new verses memorized, new songs learned, and even some new camp friendships to cherish. We pray that their experience at camp gave them a respite from the perils of the world. We pray that the next time we see them we could see how God continued to grow their faith.
Upcoming Needs:
• A few more cooks for Family Camp I
• One more guy cabin leader for Jr. TCL II
• One more guy cabin leader for TCL II
• Three more guys for TCL II
• More campers at Boys Camp I, High School Camp, Girls Camp I, Boys Camp II
Click HERE to see some of the pictures from the week.
Thank you for praying,
Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries