He Came as a Servant!

Just a short post for today. As we woke up to frigid temperatures (Click here to see picture of the snow), I’m grateful to be able to come inside after working to warm up next to a fire. Through the summer our TCL constantly spit and stack wood during their work blocks. Having that wood ready to use is important for the year-round staff during these times of the year.

My comforts today remind me of the humility of God’s Son. When He came, there was no room for them in the inn. He left the glory of heaven to become a man. His first bed was a feeding trough that Joseph and Mary found in the stable. He didn’t come to luxury. He came with a mission to be the sacrifice for our sin.

I hope you find ways this season to take up the attitude of a servant.

-Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries
Lakeside Bible Camp