Helping Your Kids Memorize the Christmas Story

Warning… this is a proud dad post, but I hope it might help you work with your kids to teach them the Christmas Story. Many of you know that I am an avid Scripture memorizer. I try to always be working on something, however, last week I started wondering what I could do to get my son to start memorizing.

For the last couple months I’ve mostly used the following method to help me memorize chapters of the Bible at a time. When I wake up, I make a point that the first thing I look at on my phone is the chapter I’m working on. So before I read any emails, go to my Facebook account, or work on my daily Wordle…I try to make sure to look at the chapter and read it 3 to 5 times. Then I use that same principle when I go to bed. The last thing I look at on my phone is the chapter I’m memorizing. I’ll read it 3 to 5 times. Then I’ll turn my phone off and as I fall asleep, I try to remember as much about the chapter as I can. I do this for as many days it takes to get to the point where I can easily say the chapter out loud. Then I move on to the next chapter.

So I wondered recently if my son could also benefit from memorizing in this way—but on his level (he’s almost 7 years old). Just a little over a week ago we started making to read the Christmas story in Luke 2. We started the first couple days reading verses 1-3 five times. He’s learning to read, so this is a good practice for him. The last thing we do together before we go to bed is work on reading Luke 2:1-12. In the video above, he was so proud to get to the point of saying the first three verses (that was from last week). He’ll read it once, then I’ll read it.

Then in the morning we do the same thing. He comes to the gym with his mom at about 7:30 each day. He knows that to get some time on the phone to watch some videos, he has to work with me on his verses. So make sure to read in the morning and the evening.

So far it has just been a couple weeks, but it is working. He’s excited to be making progress in learning the Christmas story. He looks forward to the time to work with me. And the added carrot of getting to watch a kids video after helps motivate him when his attention is dragging.

On top of the benefit of watching my son enjoy God’s Word is that I’m also getting to memorize the Christmas story with him. I’m hopeful he’ll be able to say the full 12 verses in a couple weeks. At this point, though, it’s really not about the goal of saying it word perfect. The biggest benefit is the time spent with my son together in God’s Word.

So I share this not to brag (though I am proud of my son). I share this to encourage you that there is still time to memorize the Christmas story before Christmas day. If you try this method with your kids at home — 5 times in the morning, 5 times in the evening— you might just turn your home into a Scripture memorization factory.

Thanks for listening today. I’m praying that the power of God’s Word impacts your life and brings you His joy this holiday season.

—Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries
Lakeside Bible Camp