Prayer Warrior #1 - Girls Camp II

Psalm 120 is a song about coming out of our environment. The environment without God stands in contrast to the house of the LORD. One is a place of lies and deception. The other is a place of truth, full of those seeking to follow the instruction of the LORD. For our first week of summer camp, we welcomed 111 campers. After a long off-season, we’re looking forward to seeing what God does this summer. We are praying God continues to draw more campers to this place so they can experience His presence in His creation surrounded by His people. We hope that a week at LBC provides our campers and volunteers a break from the deceptive influences presented by our culture. We know we’re note perfect in that regard, but we also know that God has preserve LBC for a unique ministry. Yesterday my prayer with with our volunteers was that God would add to our numbers this week as he did for Peter and the Apostles in the book of Acts. Thank you for being part of our team of Prayer Warriors. Please read through the list below and keep Girls Camp II in your prayers this week. 

  • These cabins are nearly full! Praise God for entrusting us with these campers. Pray that God would teach these girls who have come from diverse backgrounds to use encouraging language with each other. Pray that they would lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down. Pray they would build friendships and get along with each other. Pray that our first-time campers would not feel lost in their initial experience. Pray for campers to hear the WORD of Truth as the listen in chapel and learn their verses to earn their patches.

  • Pray for cabin leaders who are getting the experience to share the gospel with campers. For many of the young cabin leaders we recruit, this can be an uncertain thing. They are most likely not used to sharing their faith, but during 1-1 times we are asking them to be bold in their conversations to share the gospel. It’s our hope that cabin leaders catch the joy of evangelism so they take their gospel-sharing skills home into their own life context.

  • Our Summer Staff Team this year. Please keep them in your prayers. (PICTURE)

  • Pete & Charlene Santucci - Directors

  • Grant Belleque - TCL Projects

  • Jonah Goff - Program Assistant

  • Emilia Hubbard - Barista

  • Simeon Jester - Media Creator

  • Sidney Johnson - Barista

  • Macy Johnson - Lifeguard

  • Mikayla Kyle - Lifeguard

  • Sadie Reimer - Craft Coordinator

  • Claire Seguin - Recreation Coordinator

  • Ajany Tiffa - Recreation Coordinator


  • The TCL Team is led by Aaron & Alora Meyer. Our Cabin leaders are Tasha Vederoff, Anastasia Vederoff, Abigail Ramos, Bryson Miller, and David Adams.

  • Check out this dinner rendition of Father Abraham.


Current Summer Needs - We still have needs for volunteers to serve in future weeks. If you can cabin lead, drive a boat, or serve as a nurse, we would definitely consider adding a few more people to our teams this summer.  CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR SUMMER NEEDS.

Thank you joining our team through your prayers!

Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries
Lakeside Bible Camp