Unable to Speak

In the advent story, there is this odd experience from Zechariah. The angel, Gabriel, announced to him that his wife, Elizabeth, would give birth to a son and they were to name him John. Zechariah doubted and asked, “How can I be sure of this?” Since he lacked the faith to believe in the moment, Gabriel made Zechariah silent until the baby took it’s first breath. So then once John is born, Zechariah is finally able to open his mouth. He names the child John, and then continues to praise the LORD as he overflows with excitement for what God has done.

On one hand, I’m sure it was an odd experience for Zechariah. He had something to share, but he couldn’t. For the next several months, he would have to communicate without his mouth. Maybe every time he tried to talk it would remind him of his lack of faith.

On the other hand, it mirrored the silence of the prophets for 400 years since Malachi. That culmination of silence became Zechariah’s experience.

And then it showed Zechariah that despite his unbelief, God was still going to accomplish his mission. That is true for us today. God’s eternal plan isn’t dependent upon our approval. The true faith that God wants from us is a faith that accepts His message as it is. He is the God who can do the improbable and the impossible. When God says He is going to do something, we should take Him at His Word.

As you read the Bible today, remember to take God at His Word.

-Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries
Lakeside Bible Camp