Thank You for a Great Summer!

Thank you all for a great Summer at Lakeside Bible Camp. We had nearly 900 participants this summer between campers and volunteers. Over 60 campers accepted Christ as their Savior and 8 people were baptized here at Deer Lake. That is why we exist! In sharing the Gospel with campers, Lakeside Bible Camp gets to be a place where souls are harvested for eternity. Thank you to all who got involved this Summer.

In teaching the book of James to the TCL program this Summer it has encouraged me that several of our TCL have continued their study of James and have gone on to memorize the book. Two weeks after Jr. TCL a couple boys at Jr. High Camp told me they had finished memorizing all of James 3. After TCL 2, I challenged the TCLers to continue memorizing the book. Some had already memorized all of James 1 by the end of TCL. One TCLer messaged me last week (09/17) that she had just finished memorizing the whole book of James! What a great encouragement to know that this young generation is so hungry for the truth of God’s Word.

The ministry at Lakeside Bible Camp is so important. If you support our ministry financially or by regularly praying for LBC, thank you very much.

If you want to try to dig into the book of James and memorize it yourself, use this link to download the TCL Quiet-Time guide. In 8 weeks I think you too can memorize the book by spending just 15-20 minutes in it every day. Please message me ( if you finish memorizing it. I’d love to hear that this q-time guide was helpful to you.

Have a blessed day!

Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries
Lakeside Bible Camp

Scan QR Code to download James Q-TIme Guide.

Daniel Jensen