More Blessed to Give

LBC’s model of ministry is completely dependent upon volunteers. This last summer we had over 240 volunteers. For each program we look for up to 24 cabin leaders, 2 directors, 1 speaker, 3-6 cooks, 2 gophers, 20 TCL, 10+ Summer Staff. When you compare LBC’s model to other camps, our dependence on volunteers stands out.

It’s also interesting to watch the transition as campers start volunteering as cabin leaders and TCL. By the time they get into their later high school years, it’s not uncommon to hear a TCLer say something like: “I enjoy coming to camp more when I come to work.” This, I think, is a realization about the joy of giving. They get more out of their time at camp when they give of themselves to work. Even though the work is hard, the experience rewards them—it gives them joy.

The Christmas season also challenges me every year when it comes to giving. I enjoy getting the next tech gadget as much as any dad, but getting gifts does not put my spirit in tune with the meaning of Christmas. I get into the Christmas spirit when I involve myself in giving gifts to those I love and to those in need.

I hope your giving this month lifts your spirits and brings you joy as you care for those around you. Merry Chrstmas!

-Daniel Jensen
Director of Camp Ministries
Lakeside Bible Camp